Critical reconstruction

The many strengths of aquaculture should confer it a leading role in the reconstruction of our battered economy, mobilizing locally produced raw matters in order to strengthen our food sovereignty, and fixing rural population through the creation of much needed jobs. Compared to land based animal production, both marine and inland aquaculture deliver better conversion…


Origin and disinfection of Coronavirus in the aquatic environment

A recently published paper questions the proposed origin of the last outbreak of coronavirus in the Huanan market, within the Chinese metrópoli of Wuhan. The research group, directed by Professor Yu Wenbin of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, carried out the sequencing of 93 samples collected in 12 countries affected by SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory…


Commercial Agreement with Evans Vanodine International PLC

Acuinuga’s Aquaculture Division has just formalized a commercial agreement for the exclusive distribution of Buffodine® in Spain and Portugal. This is a specific product for the disinfection of eggs and gametes produced by aquatic species, manufactured by the British company Evans Vanodine, a centennial company in the Manchester area (United Kingdom) and pioneer in the…


Massive Mortality of Salmon

A lethal combination of climatic and oceanographic factors is causing a massive mortality in Norwegian salmon farms this spring. Losses are so far estimated in thousands of tonnes,  translating into hundreds of millions of euros, as many cages are stocked at the end of the ongrowing cycle by animals approaching commercial size (3 to 5…


Rivers of plastic

Even though most plastic residues found in the oceans arrived there after being carried by the rivers, plastic pollution in riverine ecosystems has never received the same attention as marine pollution. A recent report published by several environmental organizations provides important information on a serious problem increasingly affecting rivers, lakes and other freshwater bodies and…


Rotten tuna

For several decades now, an on-growing activity has facilitated the continuity in the supply of a highly appreciated species, the bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus), once abundant in Atlantic and Mediterranean waters, and today in delicate situation and now extinct in the Black and Caspian Seas.  The semi-cultivation process consists in the capture of wild juveniles…


Bigger not always better

Johannes Karvonen, Aquamec’s marketing manager strongly feels that inland and coastal dredging are generally overlooked, despite being a significant part of the industry. He believes that too much emphasis is placed on big headline projects, while problem-solving and vital maintenance of inland waterways goes unsung. “Search on Google for dredging and what appears are pictures of huge…


Anisakis for aficionados

The known history of Anisakis begins with a serving of pickled herring at the port of Rotterdam in 1955. It might have become a very costly meal to the Dutch diner, suddenly suffering from severe abdominal cramps, had it not been for Dr. Van Thiel, who proceeded to perform an emergency laparotomy. The small intestine…


Watermaster and work in shallow water

Shallow water work has traditionally been divided between excavators and conventional cutter suction dredgers. Excavators have been used for the more shallow and narrow parts and conventional dredgers for deeper and wider areas. See more

Project ECOPEMER in Brussels

ACUINUGA’s  Aquaculture Division promotes the ECOPEMER project for the ecological production of fish and mollusks under recirculation in Galicia. This project has been selected among hundreds of competitors for the financing round “Blue Invest 2018“, organized by the European Commission and taking place in Brussels on May 17 of the present year. ECOPEMER is a…
