Ever considered establishing your own hatchery? Tired of searching for juveniles? From the initial idea to the final production of aquaseed, we specialize in the reproduction of aquatic species.
This is accomplished by:
- Delivering professional advice in the process of species selection (trout, salmon, eel, cod, catfish, sea bream, carp, sea bass, sturgeon, grouper, snapper, tilapia, turbot, sole, halibut, tuna, octopus and other cephalopods, molluscs, crustacea such as Penaeus spp., shrimp, langoustine, lobster, sea and freshwater crabs, etc.)
- Designing and optimising facilities for the reproduction and nursery of aquatic species
- Overseeing the import/export process of seed and/or juveniles for aquatic species (clams, oysters, scallops, cockles, flatfish, salmonids, ornamental fish, etc.), including the prescription of veterinary health certificates
- Providing effective advice and training on technical protocols for broodstock management, including anaesthesia, sedation, surgical and medical pre- and post-spawning care
- Designing management strategies for the control of reproduction, including endocrine (hormonal) and environmental (photoperiod, temperature) induction of spawning
- Monitoring the reproductive cycle through the follow-up of morphometric parameters (gonado-somatic index, fertility and fecundity indices) and the implementation of novel techniques for accurate broodstock sexing.
- Designing selection programmes, individually tailored for each production site, and applying efficient technologies for the control of sexual maturation and the optimisation of gamete quality.